måndag 19 oktober 2015

Invasion in the name of the greater god...

We have seen an invasion of Tau models arrive the last three weeks - two big suits - the XV95 Ghostkeel,  and the KV 128 Stormsurge, new breachers and strike team fire warriors, a new moving tau defence line fortification and an exlusive plastic Ethereal on hover drone.  And we can expect a new codex,  new crisis suits and commander suit next week. 

If you want to expand you Tau army here is some other copmanies that put out some interesting things that might benefit the greater good .  

Recently I came across this company that makes some excellent Tau models; Wargame Exclusive .

Check out this beautiful Tau Defence line from Micro art Studio:

Tau defence line 

And why not Tau objektive markers from Spellcrow

Tau mission objectives markers

torsdag 15 oktober 2015

Wargaming terrain - Green leaf terrain and Terran scape

   Battle board from Terran Scape.

One important part of wargaming is the terrain and playing on a nice looking board. Here is some links to some makers of terrain for inspiration.

Mike from Terrran Scapes make some really good looking terrain he has a youtube channel you can watch for inspiration and tips and tricks. He has made the hobby into an art - excellent details, beautiful water features and very naturalistic. Im a big fan of him. 

Here is a video with some Imperial sector wh40k terrain he made.

Green Leaf Terrain

Also very good looking terrain - some very nice buildings. Some wargaming youtube channels like Miniwargaming is using there terrain. Some excellent stuff.

Here is a link to a youtube review of some of there terrain made by Miniwargaming Jay

Here is a showcase youtube video from Green Leaf Terrain: Burnt out 40k Ruin set