tisdag 22 september 2015

Rumours: Tau is on the way...

 For a long time I haven't written a post.

Fo a long time GW has put out mostly Age of Sigmar models. I like the Khorne bloodbound because some parts can be used to convert 40k models. Ex Berzerkers or Khorne cultists... And I don't like the new fat dudes in golden armour very much...

Next week we will see this angry outcast gentleman... Skarbrand.

In october Tau - the warriors that fight for the greater good appear with new suits and new fire warriors, maybe a new Ethereal.

There is still rumours of the 30k plastic box to arrive in Autumn. Death watch, Genstealer cult, Assassins in clamp pack... I hope they will put out a CSM codex and some new chaos marines soon...